Expert advice for your next ride
At Landry's Bicycles, we know that a well-maintained bike makes for the most enjoyable riding experience. Check out our helpful bicycle tech tips and visit your local Landry's bike shop with any questions about your bike, bicycle maintenance, or cycling in general!
Everything you need to know
ABC Quick Check
Before each ride, check your bike to make sure it’s safe to ride. Use “ABC Quick Check” as an easy reminder for which areas of your bike are important to review.
Quick Releases 101
Quick releases make it easy to remove bike wheels without tools. They're great when you're removing wheels to put a bicycle in a vehicle or if you need to repair a flat tire.
Pumping Your Tires
The easiest way to keep your bicycle running well is by checking tire pressure before every ride. Properly inflated tires ride great, last longer and resist flats.
Fixing a Flat Tire
Sooner or later, you'll ride over some glass or perhaps hit a rut or hole and get a flat tire. When this happens, don't panic! As long as you carry a few basic tools, flat repair is easy.
Chain Maintenance
Chains gradually wear and elongate with use. Once your chain’s wear has progressed beyond a certain point, it does permanent damage to the cassette and chain rings.
Rim Tape Basics
The purpose of rim tape is to protect the wheel’s inner tube from spoke holes, which will puncture the tube if exposed inside the rim. Faulty rim tape will cause recurring flats.
Hearing Odd Noises?
Paying attention to the normal operating sounds from your bicycle is essential for keeping your bicycle in top condition. Odd noises can be the first sign of an issue.
Event Tune-Ups
Give your bike a thorough tune-up early in the season, and plan final prep at least 2 weeks before your event. Preparation makes all the difference in your event.

Taking care of your bike at home
Regular maintenance at home can keep your bike running smoothly.
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We'll keep you rolling faster!
When your bike needs professional service, call or visit our store. Landry's Bicycles provides full service on all types of bicycles (any brand or model), including regular maintenance and repairs.