Bikes make our world better
Here at Landry's, we believe in the power of bicycling to make our world a better place.
Landry's Support Team helps out during Hub On Wheels, Boston's annual city-wide bicycling event, in mid-September.
Got Bicycle Commuter benefits at work?
Landry's stores accept Commuter Checks for Bicycling issued from participating employers. For details on this employee-benefit program, see Commuter Benefit Solutions' website.
If you bike-commute to work, ask your employer about adding Bicycle Commuter benefits.
Landry's presented with Trek's "Game Changer" Award
March 2014 — Trek Bicycle Corporation recognized Landry's Bicycles with a Game Changer Award to recognize our business partnership with Trek as a longtime supporter of bicycling-advocacy programs to make our world a better place to live and ride around.
Trek's president, John Burke, reminds us all that cycling is a simple solution to some of the world's most complicated problems — including global warming, traffic congestion, the energy crisis, and obesity.
Here at Landry's, we've been deeply involved with bike advocacy (at the local, state, and national levels) for more than a dozen years, so we are thrilled to join and support Trek's "One World, Two Wheels" campaign. We believe in the power of bicycling to make the world a better place.
For some ideas ideas on how you can get involved in the growing Bicycling Movement, check out PeopleForBikes.org.