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  • SINCE 1922

Bike Storage + Maintenance

Bicycle Parking Consulting

  • Promote employee wellness through active transportation by providing well-designed bicycle parking amenities.
  • Reduce demand for car parking.
  • Landry's professional bike-parking consultants will assess your space to best fit the maximum number of bikes within your budget.
  • Organize your bike storage and security, for long and short-term parking, covered and open-air.
  • Both indoor and outdoor bike-parking solutions available, with varying security levels.
  • Working with your facility to optimize space, we'll help walk you through the process, using Saris Parkitect bike-parking program to map the space in three-dimensional CAD programming.

Bicycle Fleet Maintenance

  • All types of bikes need inspection and maintenance throughout the season, a tune-up every year, and an overhaul every so often, Landry's high quality professional fleet maintenance will keep all your bikes safe and riding smooth.
  • We'll tune up your bikes in state-of-the-art bicycle service centers, located at our local Landry's stores.
  • Take advantage of our off-season discounts on labor and component upgrades, to prepare for the riding season.
  • We will work with your needs to streamline the easiest package, with either a set price for the entire season or individual repairs as diagnosed by our professional mechanics.

On-Site Bicycle Repairs

  • Our most popular workplace service:  Landry's mechanics will come to you and provide tune-ups and adjustments on your employees' bikes, improving the quality and safety of riding, while demonstrating proper maintenance techniques for the riders.
  • Our mechanics are trained to diagnose issues with the ABCs of bike safety: Air, Brakes, and Chain, and perform on-the-spot repairs.
  • Most major concerns with tires, tubes, cables, and alignment will be repaired or replaced so your employee can safely ride away that day.
  • We recommend at least one full bike tune-up a year, but these bike-safety checks and adjustments will improve your employees' riding day-to-day.

Contact us for pricing and scheduling

Contact Landry's Offsite Service Team.